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Class 1-2

Welcome to Class 1-2!

Scroll down to see some of the wonderful things we have been up to.

Important information: 

PE days: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Phonics and Reading: In Year 1, we strive to support children in becoming happy, enthusiastic readers who have a good understanding of what they have read. We teach phonics daily, using the Monster Phonics Scheme, and we also have reading sessions focusing on phonics application, vocabulary, comprehension and prosody. 

Each week, the children will read both individually and as part of a group to practise these key skills. At the end of the week, the book will be sent home for further practice. We ask that you look after these books and return them the following week.

Homework is given out on Fridays. 

We are Writers

This half-term, we have been exploring the story of Hermelin. The children have been writing a retelling of the story. 


We are Mathematicians

We have been finding and making number bonds to 20 using tens frames. 


We are Scientists

We have been identifying materials that the objects in our classroom are made from. 



We are Geographers

In Geography, we have been exploring our local area. We have learnt about human and physical features and have had a go at creating our own maps of our school. 


We are Computational Thinkers

In computing, we have been learning about the technology around us. We have used iPads to take pictures of technology in our classroom and use apps such as pic-collage to add labels to our photographs. 
